From the shop here we managed to get out on the new slingshot pit 5'3,
The board came set and ready to ride with a tri fin set up and Fastrack strap mounting system complete with its straps and pads.
A common problem with Surfboards is interests strapping after adjusting or removing footstraps for strapless sessions. The new Fasttrack system (first found on Burton snowboard) eliminates and strapping problems and gives you more strap and pad ajustement then any other board.
On the Water the Small little pit is very stiff, but with only 5'3 of length the board really gets away with it still leaving minimal bounce throw the chop.
With the board so short and slim and plenty of nose rocker punching throw and hitting aerials into and out of the wave with lots of control easy.
Riding with straps on the board gives you just as much grip and control of a over powed kite like a small twintip would.
The Pit wont replace a good flexible 6" strapless board for riding surf in moderate winds.
But riding maxed out on a small kite in large surf and chop is were this board is fun and out performs every thing else.
The Pit will definitely be keep-ed in the quiver of boards the staff ride and use on a day to day basis.

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